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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Author Multiple Titles in to a sigle DVD Disk

I am going to discuss how to record useful programs using video source ( like cable TV, DTH TV, or even a VHS tape player) and a TV tuner card and then editing the content so as to make it advertisement free and then stuff the videos in to a single DVD.

Although there are several softwares are available which records directly to disk on fly with out storing it in to hard disk but it wont allow you to create custom menu disk and the features which you wish to add later and you can't skip irritating advertisements in most of the cases.

Use one of the several video capturing software, for example Intervideo WinDvr 3 is one such capturing tool and trail download is available from their website.

Record your video in mpeg2 format using one such tool by selecting moderate bit rate, video frame size and audio bit rate, sampling frequency ( for DVD it should be 48k) etc.

Now use DVDLabPro or VOBEdit ( VOBEdit is a very use full free tool but you may need to rename the mpeg files to VTS_0x_x.VOB... where x represent the sequence number...) to demux your video files to elementary audio and video streams. This is necessary so as get accurate sync between audio and video when we edit the content later.

Though DVDLabPro is alone is enough for doing all rest of the thing but i found below as a good alternative and easy to use and get good clarity it avoid audio video sync problems.

Use the TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.6 or later to Author the DVD. It is very easy to use tool. You will use the elementary streams instead of original video files here. if you have TMPGEnc Sound Plug-in AC-3 use it for better audio effect.

Add as many titles you want want keeping compilation size in mind .

Remove all the unwanted content from your video like advertisements..., some irritating songs.... in case if you have captured a movie and so on... using cut option available in the edit video section and then compile the project and save the resulted DVD files in a hard disk folder.

If you are satisfied with resulted DVD layout, you can burn it to the suitable blank disk with enough space to accommodate the content or else if you want to add some more to it, import the IFO files (or else vob files... which ever you feel convineant.. i suggest importing IFO files.... for ease) in to DVDLAB pro and create rich menus with custom VGM title menu, Song index, Chapter menu and for favorite scene and some really good fancy looking buttons, etc.

note: the out put is dependent on initial capture settings and make sure you have selected the one which is allowed by these tools (when you try to import non standard video files, you will get error message). Its better to select the standard DVD, 1/2 DVD 1/4th DVD ( PAL or NTSC) formats based on your satisfaction and your hardware available.

The more you spend doing experimentation the more you will master the art of DVD authoring.

DVD authoring is an art as well as hobby. It has got lots of hidden secretes in it.

The more you get involved in to it, you will find more interesting things about it.

Initially it may look weird for some, as it takes hell lot of time but as you practice doing it you all enjoy it i am sure....

One more thing all these softwares are not free so if you liked using it please buy them for supporting the makers or else use trail versions only.

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