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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to Upgrade Default Opera browser which is pre-loaded in mobile.

Note: use this on your own risk.
If you get error while upgrading like "default game can not be removed/upgraded"

then download the jars and edit the MANIFEST.MF file which is there within the jar.

Use a zip utility like 7zip to view the content of jar file.

Make sure you are not using signed jars as this may not work with those.

While editing just change the MIDlet-Name to something different, like if it is

MIDlet-Name: Opera Mini then change it to

MIDlet-Name: Opera Mini5.1 or MIDlet-Name: Opera MiniNew

and save and replace the old MANIFEST.MF within the jar and transfer the jar to your mobile and then install your software using this new jar.

Like this one can upgrade snaptu, Nimbuzz etc.

Hope you like it.

Note: use this on your own risk.